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the following represents over thirty years of whosoever’s work

you are that spiritual book

a lion's roar

you are that


question-answer sessions, about intricacies of spirituality, non-duality, meditation and samadhi in the simplest language possible, offering practical solutions to existential queries

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you are that spiritual book

you are that is a compilation of dialogues that happened at the 4th 40-day meditation intensive from december 11, 2010 to january 19, 2011 at the osho mystery school. it is a wholesome guide to the art of ably dealing with issues of the body, mind and consciousness. a valuable asset to any seeker on the path. though the subject of this book, which is spirituality, non-duality, meditation and samadhi, is serious in its very nature and difficult to grasp, still the dialogues are filled with lots of humor and laughter that fills the reader's heart with joy and inspires him to go ahead... to continue reading! the sum total of the dialogues points towards man's nature... answering the real question, "who am i, or what am i?" ...such is this book!

"his dialogues on body, mind, consciousness and samadhi are matchless. his expounding clarity on non-duality is self-effulgent. his dialogues are like a feast, a feast of music, dance and devotion, silence prayer and meditation, love laughter and celebration..."

you are that

you are that

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shivoham book by whosoever

shivoham shivoham


a book of subjective science that leads to self study, self knowledge and self realization.

available in hindi, english, german, chinese

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shivoham book in hindi

who am i? what am i? what is the outline of my beingness? spread in all directions, what is this manifested world? from the so called birth till the so called death, what is all this happening? how is it happening? how do i know that i am? indeed, is there really anything like me? what is the reality of this me, which remains occupied in the worldly and other-worldly riddle till death... and ultimately rests in 6x3? apart from these questions, who meditates? and on what? how and why do thoughts, feelings, desires, lust, wishes etc. arise and make one a slave of them? why the tendencies like fear, greed, sex, anger, attachment, jealousy and envy, do not stop chasing the seeker in spite of all his efforts? in search of answers to such questions, these talks bring one to the peak of the conclusion, where remains only one's beingness, pure existence; where all the otherness disappears and the duality comes to an end... and remains only and only subjectivity. as this subjectivity becomes obvious and intense by becoming one with that, the seeker spontaneously becomes ecstatic and starts swaying, dancing and singing : where my ecstasy has brought me, where there is nothing, other than me.

"the author has a way of explaining spirituality in a practical way... it makes the reader realize wrong beliefs and concepts deep rooted in the mind, and see things in their true way, see the reality. excellent!" - amazon review

osho is not a person book by whosoever

osho is not a person


whosoever responds to the queries written to him by the friends, aspirants, seekers, lovers and participants of his meditation intensives from around the world.

available in english

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osho is not a person book by whosoever

 you may find whosoever’s insights are inspiring, applicable and invaluable. whosoever’s sharp and clear insights are simple yet direct, fearless yet compassionate, humorous yet intense, shocking yet reassuring – bringing each reference point mostly hidden between the expressed words to the surface and unveils the real. be it a question about the mind and its illusions having to deal with the unpleasant aspects of one’s mechanism incorporating a conscious approach in one’s routine – the value of acceptance trust and surrender on the path or clarifications of a meditation technique. he communicates in an unbelievably simple and uniquely expressive indian english that no-one has ever heard.

 "the real communication happens in silence. when you become silent, god talks to you… without words.

silence is His language."

spiritual book by gurudev

and nothing has ever happened

the title inspired in the last line of a poem by ramana maharshi, implies that at the highest level of enlightenment nothing exists, nothing will happen and nothing has ever happened. this is a compilation of gurudev's talks and dialogues during gatherings in goa and panchgani, india.

available in english

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NOTHING EVER HAPPENED book by whosoever

you are already a buddha!

just remain attentive.

attentive to nothing in particular...

simply attentive.

a buddha is one who is already attentive.

he is just present. he is pure presence.

and this presence is a great blessing.

you know that you are... there is a sense of presence,

just remember "i am" - just remember and be.

"an excellent book, it will touch your heart and change your outlook on life." review by dr. p.v. vaidyanathan, life positive magazine - link to full review

HO JAAYE book in Hindi by Whosoever

ho jaaye

who am i, what am i, what is the outline of my being? what is the world which is spread all around us? from the so-called birth, to the so-called death, what is all this that is happening and how... how do i know that i am? is there anything in reality like "i"? 

available in hindi 

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HO JAAYE in Hindi by Whosoever

मैं कौन हूँ? मैं क्या हूँ? मेरे होने की रूपरेखा क्या है? चहुँ और फैला यह व्यक्त जगत् क्या है? तथाकथित जन्म से लेकर तथाकथित मृत्यु तक ये सब क्या हो रहा है, कैसे हो रहा है? मुझे कैसे पता चलता है की मैं हूँ? सच में 'मैं' जैसी कोई वस्तु है क्या? इस 'मैं' की क्या वास्तविकता है जाओ मृत्यपर्यंत लौकिक अथवा पारलौकिक उधेड़बुन में व्यस्त रहता है, और अंततः ६x३ हो जाता है? इन प्रश्नों के अतिरिक्त ध्यान कौन करता है और किसका करता है? विचार, भावनाएँ, कामनाएँ, वासनाएँ, इच्छाएँ कैसे और क्यों कर उठती हैं? भय, लोभ, काम, क्रोध, मोह, ईर्ष्या एवम् द्वेष-जैसी वृत्तियाँ सारे प्रयासों के बावजूद क्यों कर साधक का पीछा नहीं छोड़ती? इन-जैसे सभी प्रश्नों के उत्तर तलाशती हुई ये वार्ताएँ हमें निष्कर्ष के उस शिखर पर ला खड़ा करती हैं, जहाँ रह जाती है मात्र स्वयं-का-होना - परिशुद्ध अस्तित्व, जहाँ सारी 'परता' खो जाती है, दुई मिट जाती है, रह जाती है केवल और केवल 'स्वयंता'। इस स्वयंता से तदरूप होकर तब साधक सहज ही मस्त होकर झूमने लगता है, गाने लगता है... मुझे मेरी मस्ती कहाँ लेके आई, जहाँ मेरे अपने सिवा कुछ नाहीं।

"a true master is always an inspiration and worth reading. each sentence of his books are enlightening

and inspiring for anybody...." review from amazon india

Bulleshah Aur Innercircle book by Whosoever

bulleshah aur inner circle - mulaqat swayam ki swayam se

talks on the songs of bulleshah given during a 10-day retreat in 1996 in gujarat

available in hindi 

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Bulleshah Aur Innercircle book by gurudev

आप वहीं हो, जहाँ आपको होना चाहिए

वह बिना ढूँढे तो मिलता नहीं, पर ढूँढने से भी नहीं मिलता। जो अच्छे से जानते है, जो अनुभवी हैं, वे कहते हैं - जब ढूँढते-ढूँढते ढूँढने वाला थक जाता है, असहाय हो जाता है, सब छोड़ देता है - अधिक अच्छा होगा यह कहना की छूट जाता है - तो वह अपने-आपको वहीं पाता है, जहाँ वह वस्तुतः है।

ढूँढा उसे जा सकता है, जो खो गया हो; पाया उसे जा सकता है, जो अन्य हो, जो पर हो।

जो खोया नहीं, उसे ढूँढा नहीं जा सकता; जो है ही, उसे पाया नहीं जा सकता।

स्वयंता  स्वयं को खो भी कैसे सकती है। और स्वयंता स्वयं को पा भी कैसे सकती है! खोजा अथवा पाया वही जा सकता है, जो पर हो, जो अन्य हो। अनन्य को खोजा तो नहीं जा सकता है, जो पर हो, जो अन्य हो। अनन्य को खोजा तो नहीं जा सकता, पर अनन्य हुआ जा सकता है। जो है, वह वस्तुतः अनन्य है; उसमें परता लेश मात्र भी नहीं है। इसलिए कहते हैं - वह वहीं है, जहाँ हम वस्तुतः है।

Osho aur inner circle Book - TUM EK GORAKHDHA

osho aur inner circle:

tum ek gorakh dhanda ho


beyond time... and what really remains here! even a beautiful body like osho's disappears. things are temporary, body is also temporary. whatever exists in this world, everything is temporary. whatever exists within time also disappears within time. but there is something which is not in the limit of time, whic is beyond time: that is osho. osho is always beyond time. what is beyond time - impersonal consciousness - is eternal.

available in hindi 

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book by gurudev in Hindi


...और यहाँ टिकता क्या है! ओशो-जैसा प्यारा शरीर भी को जाता है। चीज़ें तो क्षणभंगूर है; शरीर भी क्षणभंगूर है। इस जगत् में जो भी है, सब क्षणभंगूर है। जो भी समय के भीतर आ जाता है, वह समय के भीतर ही खो भी जाता है। पर कुछ है, जो समय के भीतर नहीं है, जो समय के बाहर है; वही ओशो है। ओशो सदा समय के बाहर है। जो समय के बाहर है - इम्पर्सनल कॉन्शसनॅस, निर्वयक्तिक चेतना - वही शाश्वत है, वही अमृत है।




"True spirituality: this is an excellent book for those not only interested in the shallow 'spirituality' but in the real thing. Gurudev goes straight to the point in his answers, not letting the questioner be fooled by the tricks of the mind."



"the author has a way of explaining spirituality in a practical way... it makes the reader realize wrong beliefs and concepts deep rooted in the mind, and see things in their true way, see the reality. excellent!"






"An excellent book. It will touch your heart and change your outlook on life."

Dr. P. V. Vaidyanathan


"A true master: a true master is always an inspiration and worth reading. each sentence of his books are enlightening and inspiring for anybody..."



"A must book for OSHO lovers "



"i loved the book to the core, ton of thanks to whosoever ji ☺"



"This spiritual journey must be undertaken without baggage so and masks."



"very good book for a seeker"

Swami Vijay


"This spiritual journey must be undertaken without baggage and masks."



"A one-stop to get answers about spirituality: Simple, straightforward, uncomplicated, to the point. Practical spirituality, no cheating, no philosophies. If you want to get true answers without masks, without going around in circles, this book is for you. Those who are in search of the real will love it. Those who are in search of shallow goody-goody talks, refrain from it. A master piece for any earnest seeker of any tradition, origin and spiritual background."



"after meeting the guru, the first thing that one comes to know from the guru, that is: you are not the body; because what you are, cannot be said in affirmative words; it can only be pointed through negation: what you are not. what you actually are, nobody else can give you an experience of that; only you yourself have to experience that; the guru can only give pointers."

from the book shivoham shivoham

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